Hey there...
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! Together — you and I — we are going to work create new habits, banish harmful thinking, invite joy , and bring wellness, health, and balance into your life!
My Story
Hey there! I'm Diana. Nice to meet you!
In 1983, I graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and began my life as a chef, loving the life of creating dishes and learning about different foods and how they work together. Little did I know how much food would be a part of my life. And my healing.
On April 15th, 2018 I was blindsided with a diagnosis of a horrible disease, Type 1 diabetes. I was a healthy active woman in her 50’s . No family history and yet, I got the disease that kills people around the world daily. I felt everything: fear, shame, anger, confusion, self-pity. You name it, I felt it. But the truth is, health challenges have been with me my entire life. I had a cleft palate as a child and have been plagued with ear issues and multiple surgeries as a result. It’s like it’s my DNA.
So I grabbed my health by the horns and started to really listen to my body, and ask what my body needed. I went to school and graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (INN) as a Health Coach. And when my healing began, I wrote a book that included 25 ingredients that really got on the right direction. It’s called Healthy Food, Happy Me – HOW A DIABETIC CHEF FOUND WISDOM & BiALANCE. Reach out to get your copy!
My lessons of wisdom and balance are continuing as they will for my whole life. But the program that I created for myself, Healing through Food, Mind, Body & Soul is what shifted everything in my life. In the right direction.
Here is what I know today:
I am here to teach, inspire, and guide you, through your own healing journey.
I am here to shine a light on the people who have the tools but forgot.
I am a flashlight holder.
Let’s have a chat.
You can reach me on all platforms!
Email : dibarnettny@gmail.com
Facebook: @Chef Di-Healing Fully, Living Freely